Unity's Strength | Teen Ink

Unity's Strength

January 6, 2012
By kiLLaBLoke3 GOLD, Kegalle, Other
kiLLaBLoke3 GOLD, Kegalle, Other
13 articles 3 photos 113 comments

Favorite Quote:
Never worry if u have or had any bad, bitter experiences, because, that can be what made u perfect or better than how u were.

There wouldn’t be delicacy in life, unless there’s happiness. Happiness wouldn’t be in a life, inside a soul, if there’s no rest, peace, justice, love and enjoyment. Partly, money is also necessary as that is responsible for our position in the society and a way to enrich our lives. But, leading a solitary life cannot bring all these things to a person. But also, these won’t be brought up even if in the society, unless, the unity among the members in the society is strong.
Unity is the state of being together. All of us would be still uncivilized if there wasn’t unity to be seen. We have to be together to make a whole, which can show a way to success or victory. Perhaps, it’s possible to survive as a single, but no one can make it till the end, perfectly.
In fact, it won’t be a school if there are just less than ten students. Meanwhile, having a great amount, it will only be maintained if there is unity among them. Or else it won’t be possible to bring up a proper school when everyone is disunited. Apart from those, in sports, teamwork is surely required. Precisely, teamwork is a part of unity, being a team joined with different people to achieve a goal and working as one group.
It’s well known that how bad the relationship grew and there was disunity found and caused the world war. It had so many tremendous negative effects. All of it as unity was feeble and turned up things with disunity. Other than that, this will make us lose our strength, help and support, in the name of separation. This separation occurs between communities, societies, nations and in other view action against peer groups, relatives or others.
Fairly in words, unity’s strength improves everything. In the meantime, it would be destruction and loss when it’s disunited, destroying everything, including all. But, when there is sense of humour, thought and hospitality, there will be unity and bond.
Certainly, human beings won’t have to face any problems at all, mainly, when considering social problems. Everyone should be very wise and pragmatic about being united and strengthening it by possible ways. This would help to bring up a brighter world, clean and gay.

The author's comments:
Nothing is wonderful than living together peacefully, loving, sharing and caring!

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This article has 2 comments.

on Jan. 22 2012 at 9:39 am
kiLLaBLoke3 GOLD, Kegalle, Other
13 articles 3 photos 113 comments

Favorite Quote:
Never worry if u have or had any bad, bitter experiences, because, that can be what made u perfect or better than how u were.

Thanks! Yep. . . Love really is. Its just that most of 'em dont understand!

Fairy_Me said...
on Jan. 22 2012 at 12:28 am
Fairy_Me, Kandy, Other
0 articles 0 photos 3 comments

Favorite Quote:
Dream what you want to dream, go where you want to go,
be what you want to be. Because you have only one life and
one chance to do all the things you want to do.

"love is the basis which enables us to live in unity.." nice writing! keep it up!! :)