"Hatred and Arrogance Unbridled" - political cartoon | Teen Ink

"Hatred and Arrogance Unbridled" - political cartoon

May 30, 2014
By forgetno1 BRONZE, Towson, Maryland
forgetno1 BRONZE, Towson, Maryland
1 article 1 photo 0 comments

My political cartoon “Hatred and Arrogance Unbridled” depicts the abominable Adolf Hitler and how his prejudice against the Jewish people flamed out of control during his reign of terror from 1933 to 1945. He was ultimately responsible for terminating the lives of approximately six million Jewish people (one million children, two million women, and three million men). This organized, state-funded murder was known as the Holocaust, which came from the Greek words “holo” and “kaustos” meaning “whole” and “burnt”. Hatred, like a fire, can burn out of control with devastating effects in any time period.
I titled my political cartoon “Hatred and Arrogance Unbridled” to explain my personal feelings about the Holocaust. Hitler is shown cutting an intravenous bag full of Jewish blood. The death squad (i.e., Nazi Army) represents the “little people” who blindly followed the Hitler’s orders to murder all European Jewish people. The person in the hospital bed and the blood spilled on the floor symbolize every Jewish life claimed by the Holocaust. A burning Torah, on the bed-side table, symbolizes all of the Jewish books and paintings that were burnt. The “sleeping” Earth seen outside the window shows how the world remained detached while masses of people suffered during Hitler’s unbridled reign of terror.

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