Clash of Clans | Teen Ink

Clash of Clans

January 19, 2016
By matvey BRONZE, Battleground, Washington
matvey BRONZE, Battleground, Washington
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Adults or kids who enjoy playing this game are obviously will not know what the real life is, certainly they will lose their faith and desire to live in the real life. Those people have to understand that it’s not that simple to just simply change their addictive habit, it’s always work that you have to accomplish to succeed to be a successful person. Its all about of doing,not thinking of what on your next plan of actions will be,in other words don't think about the next step in life.Clash of Clans is a game where people build their village and upgrade,and although people waste too much money on this game.

  “Clash of Clans” is bad game  where you build and upgrade your village and troop.  Ones I used to just play “Clash of clans” a really long time, I was so competitive,but my friend was way too much competitive that he wasted his life fortune on it. My friend still plays it,well I feel sorry for him and I am proud that I stoped playing it, although I myself waisted allot of money on the that game, and of course I wasted my energy and time, limiting myself of doing and use full activity as so playing basketball,football,reading a good informative book,having quality time with my father,going snowboarding,helping my mom with chores..Everyday i was aggressive,beyond me,well then that was not easy to have the wise balance, first step in solving any life problem,is understanding yourself,cause it will give the proper pride.

That game is only killing the inside of you,it’s not proceeding you health or real magnification it’s giving you headaches and bad outcomes of life.  Life is to know and understand of how to develop your confidence and gain strength.  So adults who play it,will not succeed in life but will only lose their focus and knowledge.  See, my understanding of life is that you have to comprehend the gestures of new outcomes and ones you master that you will have a big wide smile on your face and you will never ever will have to compete that again.
 My freinds also had a really good experience
Clash of Clans is a game where you lose yourself in your mind and that's not that funny because that's what happens to people who are not understanding the reality of where they are in life. Clash of clans is not important in life it only ruins your immune system,in other words health because when you sit to long on something the blood gushes slowly through your veins and that's very bad for you,you will be a slow walker after that.Although people not only lose their health but their friendship it’s not that easy to stop playing but it will be easy to stop playing if you think about better things in life like sports.  Adults or kids who enjoy playing this game will obviously not understand what the real life is.

The author's comments:

This is a really good advise for teens in their early age

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This article has 1 comment.

on Feb. 15 2016 at 3:40 pm
The8bitkid GOLD, Bakersfield, California
11 articles 0 photos 3 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Have the courage to follow your heart and intuition. They somehow know what you truly want to become."

-Steve Jobs

I have to agree with some things you said in the article, but I also don't agree with some things as well. First, Let me get this straight. I never actually liked Clash of Clans. Most of it doesn't really require any strategy at all. I also agree that most people should really stop and continue their life. But if people like Video Games I say you should let them be. If your actually bashing on other people for liking games and not sports, your kind of wrong there. life is meant to have your OWN experiences, and if you let someone control it you won't have a good life. Video Games do help a little. They can give us morals of the real world. People who play clash of clans can also make new friends through Chat. What i'm trying to say is, just let other's do what they enjoy. Sports isn't much better too, as I see kids in my school play sports so much with others that they don't pay attention to their family's.