Hiroshima | Teen Ink


May 15, 2009
By James roberts BRONZE, New York, New York
James roberts BRONZE, New York, New York
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Hiroshima By: John Hersey

I read the book Hiroshima by John Hersey. It has 152 pages. The main idea is the bombing on Hiroshima and the recovery. I think that the theme is that war does not solve anything. I thought the book was informative. I would recommend it if you are looking for nonfiction about war. The purpose of this review is to let everyone know what I think.

Hiroshima is about the bombing in Hiroshima. When Japan bombed Hiroshima, the US bombed Hiroshima. John Hersey was born in China, 1914. His family moved to the US when he was eleven. Ever since he was thirty he has dedicated his life to writing. I judged this book on the information in it. The main points were the bombing on Pearl Harbor, the bombing on Hiroshima, and Japan healing from the attack.

This book definitely achieves its goal. The purpose was to inform and it did. It is much better than October Sky. Hiroshima has some good parts and October Sky has none.

Again, the purpose of this book is to let everyone know what I think. I do not think anything that happened in the book should have happened. War solves nothing. Thousands of innocent lives were lost. I thought this book did its job in telling us what happened.

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