Symbol of Self-Destruction | Teen Ink

Symbol of Self-Destruction

June 23, 2015
By SharpShot214 SILVER, Dinuba, California
SharpShot214 SILVER, Dinuba, California
5 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"The more I live, the more I learn. The more I learn, the more I realize, the less I know". -Michel Legrand

I would often times, find myself looking back at you

And that doesn't change, no matter what I do.

I cannot stop myself from dreaming

What is no longer mine you are now stealing.


To think as I do, when around you,

would lead to my end, that much is true.

But I cannot stop myself from dreaming

A future with you would be my redeeming.


I thought I would love you

A fear that has come true.

I fall foolishly eith every word you say

And I just can't stay away.


You, who had served as the motivation for my production,

Now damns me, the Symbol of my Self-Destruction.

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