My Prize | Teen Ink

My Prize

April 11, 2014
By Sir_Charles BRONZE, Upland, California
Sir_Charles BRONZE, Upland, California
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Things have to get really bad before they get really good"

My Prize :

Staring into your eyes,
I see beauty, of a thousand bright blue sky's.

Searching the depths of your soul.
I see a queen, shining brighter then the burning sol.

Following your example, I see all of life's dreams are possible.
Seeing your selflessness, I find your beauty... unsurpassable.

Trudging in the dark,
You are my light, ever so bright.

Without you, I just might... Just might close my eyes,
And fly forever Searching for you through these dark sky's.

I love you my prize...
And with this goodnight;

The author's comments:
This piece was for my mother on her birthday to celebrate another year on this earth and show her I truly love her.

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