My Mom So Dear | Teen Ink

My Mom So Dear

May 21, 2012
By Kaitlyn Keller BRONZE, East Moriches, New York
Kaitlyn Keller BRONZE, East Moriches, New York
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

My mom so dear,
So thoughtful and nice,
Made my life’s path clear,
Always giving great advice.
With a smile on her face,
Every day of the year,
So filled with grace,
And preventing my fears.
And everyday with a smile,
Leading your strong life,
I would stay for a while,
Without farther strife.
My life’s filled with love,
And all of the above.

The author's comments:
It was a writing assignment in my English class and I kind of just got carried away and went all out with it. I have always enjoyed writing but this has been one of the best ones I have done in school yet.

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