In December | Teen Ink

In December

April 21, 2011
By nebderf BRONZE, Port Charlotte, Florida
nebderf BRONZE, Port Charlotte, Florida
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

I close my eyes and try to remember.
Thinking about all the times that were perfect
Too perfect to forget, but then came the cold of December
It all started to come together but it was worth it.

The things that needed to be said came out
Everything that was worked to was falling apart
But inside, we had no doubt
Talking and yelling began but was the beginning of a new start.

Those moments I will never forget
The words stinging like a bug bite
After everything that made us upset
It was time to rebuild, and do it right

So for all the feelings felt that day
I will remember, but in the end we both knew what to say.

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