Chances | Teen Ink


February 24, 2011
By DGDHappiness BRONZE, Bishop, California
DGDHappiness BRONZE, Bishop, California
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
Those who make peaceful revolution impossible, make violent revolution inevitable. -JFK

“This is a scary place”
She said
He watched as she curled up
To hide from the world

All he wanted
Was to hold her and tell her its okay
But words have no meaning here
It’s a dark place
Where she currently resides

“Trust must be earned
But faith is given
Its time to find faith in yourself
Stop doubting your worthy of this
I won’t let you get hurt again”

His words go right through her
Like air through a hole
Where her heart once resided
She fights his words
As if they have no meaning
But she knows them to be true

He holds her as she cries
Slowly wiping the tears from her eyes
Unable to heal the scars
Someone left on her heart
He gives everything he has
To rebuild what was once there

Through this dark place
She discovers a light
Forces herself to follow
She didn’t know he was there
And ended up leaving upon repair

She never saw him
Ever again
Or even knew he existed
She followed the light of someone else
Doomed to repeat history.

The author's comments:
Story of heartbreak...too many of those in real life.

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