Letter To The World | Teen Ink

Letter To The World

March 18, 2018
By durnen.caitlin BRONZE, Detroit, Michigan
durnen.caitlin BRONZE, Detroit, Michigan
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

This is my letter to the world,
telling it to always carry an umbrella
because you never know when tears will cascade in a glistening downpour.
Telling it to always carry an umbrella
because worry winds can be unforgiving.
Leave it dripping and bent at the doorstep
so you don't track anything into your sanctuary.
Always carry tissues and a lozenge,
because words can get stuck in dry mouths and behind hazy vision.
Always carry a mirror so you may see yourself through my eyes,
Beautiful and unpredictable.
Never carry expectations in your pocket,
because they will burn a hole unpatchable. 
Never carry doubt on your shoulders,
because you will get stuck in the mud
made from the fears and regrets of society.
Grow a garden so you can relieve stressful days with floral therapy.
Cry until your throat screams.
Follow the path your heart craves, but don’t ignore intuition.
Enjoy the now or later and savor it.
Don’t try to save a broken relationship with terrible people
and keep loved ones close.
Love everything you can and say it.
Shout it from the balcony in your palace of devotion and adversity.

The author's comments:

For my ELA 12 class, we had to write a peom that included the same first line as a publiched poem. This poem was created by using the first line of A Letter to the World, By Emily Dickinson. This is just some advise I would like to give the world. 

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