Boundless Fascination | Teen Ink

Boundless Fascination

August 17, 2017
By shawnkhetarpal BRONZE, Frisco, Texas
shawnkhetarpal BRONZE, Frisco, Texas
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Poem #1: Who are we … A creation of mankind?

Serene seas and ethereal skies
showcase empowering beauty,
an innate apparition of divinity,
a manifestation of God.
His invincible vitality encompasses our souls.
He hurls insurmountable challenges
to quantify our rudimentary patience,
through tests of flaring fires.
Volatile purity dwindles as
protuberant droplets slide.
He observes the transformation
of an innocent new-born
into a materialistic, manly creature,
an unbearable betrayal
as if a prickly pin sliced through
His chambers of creation.
The realm routinely shapes our perspective,
not the mirage of Almighty’s impeccable presence.

A source of confusion, a conundrum
lingers in the abyss.
Who are we?
Lost identities,
unsure what resides in the
mystical treasures of tomorrow.
Yet, we are ignorant of cemented fates that direct us
to these continuous cycles
of birth and reincarnation.
Abiding by erratic social norms,
fearing the cruciality of change,
failing to satiate our ambitious goals,
the yearns of our graceful hearts,
the democratic ideals set forth by our Founding Fathers,
who are humans in essence?

He grants some a virtuous upbringing
and others despairing circumstances.
Yet, we hold no inalienable right
to blame our miseries on Him.
Humans holistically recognize indispensable morals
and yet take meandering itineraries
to acquire pragmatic behaviors
and wobble in their upright path.
The bewildering phenomenon is ubiquitous,
pervasive indeed.
We are each a dot on the interminable loops of life.
Our presence tonight exhibits we failed to pursue
distinct drifting dreams, designated to each life,
during the preliminary phase of our everlasting life cycles.
Lost identities, stifled in the struggling chaos.
Who are we?     
Till we pursue our passion, our purpose,
salvation isn’t procurable.

Palpably, we move tangential
and vital components fall short.
Key, righteous mechanisms float in the sweeping environment,
but blinded by the motive to achieve utmost success,
we fail to attain the primary purpose of life.
Who are we?
In reality, a holy creation of God,
evolved into a spiteful sphere of mankind.


Poem #2: The Perils of our Realm

The peculiar nature subjugates
the susceptible human heart,
and annihilates the fluttering purity.
Malignant creatures of an inhabitable planet,
our sinister shadows stalk silent souls,
quenching their rivulets of cardinal blood.
Dark, despondent pitfalls may evoke a sense of realization,
arousing a series of dazzling, variegated rays,
yet converting one’s capricious core
into a narcissistic demeanor.
Hardships establish the instinctual creed
that our vicious conduct is justifiable.

Obstinate hypocrisy resides within aspects of our lives,
impacting our crucial decisions
and everlasting emotions.
Our wiliness is essential
to climb the rusty rungs
of domain’s caustic competition,
symbolic of an excruciating, stolid wall,
in which elements confront
and acknowledge their existences,
progressing in a repetitive, mundane rhythm overtime.

Atmosphere absorbs rife emotions
and gags those who are unwilling to spit these sensations
into unobtrusive, distant galaxies.
Prepared to eradicate our compassionate emotions
and benevolence for concrete achievements,
we elucidate absurdity.

Our vacillating emotions
crave for collaboration with the cunning mind
and dogged survival.
We are the perils of our realm and sadly
its victims.


Poem #3: Intricacies of Human Mind

Our souls
reveal profound potential
that beings fail to decipher.
Our shrewdness
poses threat to human survival,
a path to manipulated misunderstandings,
a route to corrosive confusion,
an itinerary to caustic conflicts and deadly destruction. 
The human mind has an innate tendency
to surmise,
to over-analyze,
to overgeneralize.
The number of endless combinations
in which malleable feelings are expressed
through interminable reactions
offers bewilderment.
Ruminating on idiosyncratic sensations
that form in different situations
is stunning.
A single mind is capable of
integrating experiences,
distinctive cultural backgrounds,
defiant beliefs,
drifting emotions,
and embedded sensations.
The unification of these rudiments
further bases the decisions of one,
and we applaud, vilify, extol, decry, appreciate, and lampoon
these choices through our logic and principles.
The complexity of these ideologies and emotions
determines our unique behavior
and influences the endless, sole world
through our bemusing philosophies.
Is there truly a need for us to consume the mind’s energy
more than necessary?
Let us avoid the extremities,
the imbalances of life.
Let us be ourselves,
the naive form,
candidly maintaining focus
to pursue the path of success.


Poem #4: Are Humans Daring or Fragile Creatures?


We are miniature twinkles
in the boundless, murky sky,
but certain established ethics
stand with greater prominence.
Foundational values are
salient dogmas indeed.
However, for many of us,
presiding actions
in the strident world
oppose these erect, claimed opinions,
indicating deceitful demeanor.
We are perplexing souls,
demonstrating mammoth ambiguity
and unforeseen behavior.

Yet, our rebellious sagacity
and intractable rationality
persuade others to perceive the situation through our vision.
The sanity behind our judgement
to influence the decisions of others,
resides within the acknowledgement that our hearts
are as vulnerable as anguished plants.
The bombastic core reveals confidence
and depicts itself as a thriving, rich source
with an aim to deliver its palpable, rooted strengths
to the nearby daring competitors.
To make others envious,
the sentiment is forced
to release juddering innocence,
allowing a convulsive, permeable door to form,
through which ubiquitous fragments of arrogance
transform into winding fear
and terror.

The dominating negativity levels
and forces the delicate heart
to experience
dreadful dependency.
A plant may scintillate with assurance,
and strike surrounding souls,
but as soon as the animated sun,
the sturdy soil,
and rivulets of wholesome water vanish,
the plant withers and grows scrawny.

Outpouring passion submerged in emotions,
strengthens the frail soul
and stimulates conviction
within the edgy figure,
enhancing valuable knowledge
and alleviating alongside throb
to achieve balance between
voluminous aspects of life.  
Let us not make a fool of others;
we become a fool of ourselves,
disruptive and tenuous identities.
Let us amend our mindset,
our peculiar approach, 
and strive for what we know is the best.


Poem #5: Is Destiny a Thing?


Emotional bonds straddling
on a divine body initiate growth,
and the significance of these mystical shards
in the untainted ambiance
is prodigious.
Human inanity represents immeasurable microbes
that constantly persist.
The more we scrape
to assuage the vexation and seek for a solution,
the greater is the tendency
to sense exasperation and induce questions
of anthropological immaturity.
Our threatened emotions desire
to play a crucial role for the mind,
but these defenseless, lasting vestiges of hope
are positioned on a destructive, tortuous route
near death,
due to human insensibility.
We possess a dubious disposition for the future
that impedes with the flow of our existing phase.
Our enigmatic destiny reworks
the poised nature of one into an
emotional constellation of anxiety,
in which the blemished creature confronts seclusion,
and becomes vulnerable to adverse energy.

Our eternal fate is determined
and firmly positioned in the incessant ground.
Yet, we consider our routes variable
through gallantly noble conduct
and wickedly depraved manner,
as we possess faith in our potential to amend reality,
but portray opacity.
Consequently, we claim destiny
to be a fickle constituent of life.
When we experience undesirable outcome,
we blame the fundamental origins of life,
and reassure ourselves by asserting
that adhesive misfortune and woe
were bound to occur.

The author's comments:

Writing is a form of art, invaluable to my global experiences. As I traveled across continents of North America, Africa, and Asia, I observed distinctive cultures, ideologies that differ, viewpoints that contrast with one another. However, I realized that despite differences in our viewpoints, humans portray commonality in an essence, which alludes to their inanity and hypocrisy. Therefore, I decided to create a coalition of five poems, known as “Boundless Fascination”, which explains the overarching theme about human peculiarity.


The first poem titled "Who are we...a creation of mankind" exhibits our tendency to deviate from life's purpose. The theme is to inform readers about the importance of pursuing their passions to achieve salvation and escape the continuous cycle of birth & reincarnation.


The second poem titled "The Perils of our Realm" illustrates hypocrisy of human beings. Humans are fickle creatures, influenced easily by surroundings, usually negatively. The poem's tone is cynical as the work characterizes our realm as stolid and emotionless. The entire piece is an irony as humans are victims of their mistakes.


The third poem titled "Intricacies of Human Mind" portrays a cautious tone as humans possess an innate tendency to over-generalize and over-analyze their daily encounters. Its theme is to convey the infinite combinations that result from distinctive cultural backgrounds & emotions, which contribute to a particularly unique reaction. The poem calls for the reader to bring moderation in his or her life while undermines the need to exceedingly contemplate upon trivial aspects of life.


The fourth poem titled "Are Humans Daring or Fragile Creatures" showcases the satisfaction humans experience by making others envious of their accomplishments. Surprisingly, the act of making others envious is a symbol of one's own fear and insecurity. The reality is that we are social creatures who seek approval from other individuals. The poem conveys the significance of portraying emotions and innocence instead of a deceitful, sly behavior to establish a robust character, instead of a fragile one.


In the fifth poem titled "Is Destiny a Thing", human insensibility is portrayed. The theme revolves around the idea that humans escape blame and illustrate the psychological principle of self-serving bias.

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