Goodbye Friends, Hell Death | Teen Ink

Goodbye Friends, Hell Death

November 30, 2016
By EmilyRemedy BRONZE, Clifton, Colorado
EmilyRemedy BRONZE, Clifton, Colorado
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Im scared of that voice

That echoes through my head.

I'm terrified of who I am

and I keep on taking the meds

The meds don't help

I'm loosing myself

I'm utterly lost

alone in this world

not a soul left to help

I've lost all hope

I'm slowly dying

I can't stop crying

The voices won't leave

The cuts continue to bleed

This hurts to much

The cuts, the blood, the cold touch

the cold touch of death

it crawls nearby

urging me on

Telling me to say goodbye

And I will do as Death says

It's time to listen to the voices inside my head

Goodbye, so long

I'm sorry I couldn't stay strong.

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