The New Deal (Relegated to 21st Century Teenage Romance) | Teen Ink

The New Deal (Relegated to 21st Century Teenage Romance)

July 14, 2015
By notoriousnick BRONZE, Neenah, Wisconsin
notoriousnick BRONZE, Neenah, Wisconsin
3 articles 0 photos 1 comment

consider this the new step one
because i remember you saying that the way you fell in love
was by late night talks on the phone
and i remember saying that i hated talks on the phone
but i loved you
and that was fly
it flew
now i'm shooting it down
now sirens sound
in chorus
from lake into brain
transcending into words which are heart
and therefore giving you ownership of trifecta
although google claims that trifecta is
A bet in which the person betting forecasts the first three finishers in a race in the correct order
A run of three wins or grand events

and as i still do not consider myself victory
or ceremony
i am instead stalemate
i am now the ceasefire that our people have been waiting for
and as the smoke cleared i found that this was the way to best prove change
or at least begin to
so here i say with extended hand
with voice of new reason
and eyes of undying faith
smile darling
the war is over

The author's comments:

this is an apology to someone who deserves a million apologies.

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