Wallflower Syndrome | Teen Ink

Wallflower Syndrome

January 25, 2014
By sydneylauren013 BRONZE, St. Charles, Illinois
sydneylauren013 BRONZE, St. Charles, Illinois
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

You walk in, and sit down
As quick as you can
You wonder if they see you,
Has your invisibility kicked in?

Someone sits beside you,
It’s probably the last seat
You avoid eye contact,
But listen to them speak

Online, they love you
When you make your voice heard
Here, part of you wants to join in,
But you don’t utter a word

You really don’t care,
If you’re part of their crowd
But society pushes you
To be social, to be loud

So you remain silent,
Hear them talk about fashion, the news
You wonder what they think of you,
But does it really matter if you’re “cool?”

You try not to worry about them
You’ll always have your own friends
Even if someone invited you to a party,
You know you wouldn't attend

You’d rather stay in the background,
Almost completely out of sight
You listen to them speak
And wonder how it feels to be inside

You've got wallflower syndrome,
It’s like a disease
You’re lonely, and anxious to speak
But instead, you wait and see

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