Demons | Teen Ink


January 2, 2014
By camihallman SILVER, Washington, District Of Columbia
camihallman SILVER, Washington, District Of Columbia
5 articles 0 photos 0 comments

The Demons Inside
They crawl throughout
Bringing in the pain
The fresh smell of blood

They drag the mud
Of memories past
Their grotesque faces
Growl at any happiness

The Demons Inside
They take over me
My heart clutched in their skinny gray hands
Nails like claws

A cackle in the farthest corners of my mind
As the memories flood back
Each tear I shed in pain
Seems to cut me more, just like a knife

The Demons Inside
Relief feels so long gone
I struggle to remember feeling happy
The will to keep going diminishes

I look back
Because the demons are pulling me with long
Rusty chains
Even though I’m supposed to look forward

The Demons Inside
They show me what could have been
In between my memories
And I feel weak, so weak

I don’t understand
How even though I tried so hard
I ended up in this torture chamber
With these grey otherworldly beings

The Demons Inside
Promise eventual relief
Between snickers
That slowly builds into malicious guffaws
Suddenly one of them stops laughing
Sees my crying face
He cradles my face, making me believe this is over
Before he smiles a bloody smile

This Demon Inside
He returns to gripping my heart
His claws pierce its delicate outside
He squeezes

My heart convulses in pain
There are bouts of numbness
But then the pain returns with fervor
I’m so close to cracking

This Demon Inside
Licks the blood running down
His gray, withered arm
He drinks my pain

He fills up a silver goblet
With my memories
He dips his finger in the pool of blood on the floor
And he writes on the wall

This Demon Inside
He writes
It’s over
He tightens the hold of the ropes and chains on my body

And pours the goblets contents over my wounds
The fire burns
And it’s as if a film plays on the wall
Replaying my memories, and the torture

This Demon Inside
Eternally binds me
I’m spinning in a void
And this demon’s face

Which I once saw as so sweet
So tender
And leaves me alone, stuck.

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