Bad Day | Teen Ink

Bad Day

September 20, 2012
By Kristen Calderoni SILVER, Newark, New Jersey
Kristen Calderoni SILVER, Newark, New Jersey
9 articles 0 photos 0 comments

I put my bag on the floor and shut the door,
As I fall softly to the floor,
My eyes roll to the back of my head,
I just want my bed,
My day so far was jolly and joyful,
Then swoosh,
It went rough and tough,
The worst was getting to leave school,
At the top of the stairs, I slipped and fell with a plop,
My whole body ached and I acted as if nothing happened,
I then got up slowly and realized my mom looking at me,
She welcomed me with a gentle hug, and told me,
Stop being bugged out with school,
It’s going to be okay,
And with that she made my bad day,
Into a good day.

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