Paranoia | Teen Ink


August 22, 2012
By OneDayAsALion GOLD, Plattsburgh, New York
OneDayAsALion GOLD, Plattsburgh, New York
15 articles 0 photos 0 comments

it's not just for crazy people. I'm paranoid,
I don't think people are after me. I'm paranoid
that I'm not liked, I'm not loved.
People now, they're so fake, and two-faced,
I can't tell when someone is sincere.
It scares me.
I'm paranoid, that your words
don't mean anything.
I'm afraid that what you say
is the opposite of what you're thinking.
I'm paranoid, that people
make jokes behind my back,
but won't say it to my face, that
people will act differently around me
than when I'm not there.
I'm paranoid, that people treat me different,
because I'm different,
because I have a disability.
am I crazy?

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