Congress Unmasked | Teen Ink

Congress Unmasked

January 5, 2012
By riveraerika GOLD, West Allis, Wisconsin
riveraerika GOLD, West Allis, Wisconsin
15 articles 0 photos 1 comment

Favorite Quote:
it is not the content of what you write about that makes literature enticing; it is the emotion you place into it

Congress so intricate and opinions never suppressed
The fire of Congress is set ablaze by burly two sticks
Five hundred thirty five members, make sure nothing less
The clock in the House ceases at 2, time in Senate shifts ‘till 6

You must be at least thirty and a dedicated citizen for nine
Chosen from where you live to be a tock in Senate’s time
A reputable citizen for seven years apart from twenty-five
Chosen from where you live to be a tock in House’s time

Congress’ grandeur unmasked, detangled, untied
The Senate and the House; equivalent but divided
Two houses live in judicious harmony; intertwined
A majestic legislative prodigy; mutually; two sided

The author's comments:
civics class...loved it!

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