Confused | Teen Ink


February 14, 2011
By AraceliJasmin GOLD, Cicero, Illinois
AraceliJasmin GOLD, Cicero, Illinois
10 articles 0 photos 4 comments

How do i deal with the way i feel?
Why do you walk away, when i really want you to stay? Why do you have the need to hide and i keep everything deep inside? How do i know i can trust you and that what you say is true? Are my expectations too high or is it you that has to try?I wish i had you figured out, so i wouldnt have a doubt. I wish it were that easy but, sometimes when i think of you i get queasy. I am in so much pain, i should give up i have nothin to gain. You dont care anyway doesn't matter the day.I try to give you a sign but to pay attention to me,You dont have time.Well, i guess i should stop before i get carried away because Ill just end up hurting a lot. One day, ill have the courage to tell you how special you really are.

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