It Gets Better | Teen Ink

It Gets Better

January 8, 2011
By whenyourefifteen SILVER, Seattle, Washington
whenyourefifteen SILVER, Seattle, Washington
7 articles 2 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Bite off more than you can chew then chew it!"

You penetrate my thoughts like my tears seep through your love notes.
Standing on top
Never felt so good,
Yet so bad.

Icy eyes betrayed our forbidden love.
You wanted to fall,
but I stayed,
hoping things would get better.

On top of that building you stood.
"Jump" they said,
but I preferred to stay here,
a light in an imperfect world.

You leapt from the top of the world.
Took a fall,
hit the ground hard,
at peace with yourself.

I am still trapped in a realm of darkness.
Suicide notes fill my journals,
my room fills with tears,
all because of you.

But I still stay.
Not leaping,
nor jumping.
Because it will get better.

The author's comments:
Dedicated to the It Gets Better Project.

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