Dreams of the sand | Teen Ink

Dreams of the sand

November 19, 2010
By picto BRONZE, Kent, Other
picto BRONZE, Kent, Other
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Dreams of the sand
Can you feel it?
The wind dancing across your body.
Twirling lightly up your arms.
Razing hairs that bow to its cold embrace, in there eternal waltz.
We’ve all felt its kiss, the one that chills your body to the bones and sets your soul on fire
Can’t you see them?
The hopes, dreams and prayers of the world are carried in this wind
They are as numerous and insignificant to the world as grains of sand on the beach, countless billions of them.
One of those grains of sand means nothing to the ocean and a world full of dreams goes unnoticed by the stars.
So the dreams will float eternal in this wind, and the sand lie on the beach unheard.
A million years from now.
When the sun expands, spreading its brilliance across the world burning the shadows to light.
Every single one of those grains of sand will melt.
They will fuse.
They will shine.
All the worlds will see the them.
In the cold fire of that final dawn the dreams will scream.

The author's comments:
written on a beach in africa along way from home when all u could see was the stars. All u could smell was the salt and all u could feel is the sand in your hair

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