You're Contagious | Teen Ink

You're Contagious

April 7, 2010
By Anonymous

“It doesn’t have to be this way.”

Hell yeah it does.

“It could be so much better.”

Yeah, like you would care.

“Come on, Anastasia. Please.”

Since when did you use my full name?

“Come eat lunch with us, at least.”

You got to be kidding me.

“You know where we meet. I promise it will be fun.”

Like being with you is fun.

It used to be.

In fact, it used to be the best times of my life.

But I had chosen a different life.


It’s your eyes, damn it. Those pretty blue eyes.

I wish they were any other color. A dull brown or something.

But no. They are a perfect, shiny, icy, startling, beautiful blue.

“Don’t shake your head. Don’t say no. Please, Anastasia, just like old times.”

You really want me to come. Well, too bad. I don’t belong there.

Why are you holding out your hand? Why is there such a sadness in your eyes?

And yet it is not sadness. It’s a longing, a slight emptiness.
You are, in fact, happy because you are discovering your own way
And because there is someone who has your heart, and you have theirs.
“Why can’t we just be friends?”
I wish I could say yes. But I know what it would be like if I went with you.
You would be with her, and you would be so happy.
And I would watch you, and would have to quiet the screaming inside of me.
No, I can’t.
“I just want you near me.”
Well, I don’t want you near me.
You’re contagious.

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This article has 1 comment.

on May. 5 2010 at 7:25 pm
the-ampersand PLATINUM, Ogdensbury, New York
32 articles 1 photo 106 comments

so cool.

gotta say, i'm in love with your writing. 

and this is really cool.

you've got the details just right [the way you describe the eyes and the idea behind them is coolio], and perfect grammar. and the emotions.... this is awesome. 

at a loss to say anything against this, so yeah... loving it.