Walking on Dimly Lit Streets | Teen Ink

Walking on Dimly Lit Streets

February 13, 2010
By parismoon15 BRONZE, Swarthmore, Pennsylvania
parismoon15 BRONZE, Swarthmore, Pennsylvania
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

I walk on dimly lit streets
My shadow as my constant companion
My mysterious faded silhouette
Dancing wistfully on the sidewalk
Reflecting back the aura of the night

The stars glisten
Thousands of bright wishes
Guiding me on my journey
Providing solace in my lost dreams

To return to the comfortable monotony
Of the life that holds me hostage

I step into the middle of the deserted streets
Passing by houses of unknown souls
Blissfully unaware of the night
Of the happenings outside their own private little worlds

A car comes into view, up ahead
But it turns before it reaches me
As if uninterested in my woes
Concerned only about its traveler
And their fate on this dark night

In the distance I hear the familiar sound of church bells
A distant reminder of the past
And the time, the room I should be in,
The places where I want to be
The places I am no longer welcomed
And where I will always be

It’s 3 O’clock in the morning.
The President attends another meeting
The tired boy with droopy eyes gets off night shift
The child rolls over still fast asleep
A car starts
A light flickers

But for me?
I continue on.
Step by step.
On these dimly lit streets

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