In This Day | Teen Ink

In This Day

October 13, 2009
By cantu68 BRONZE, San Antonio, Texas
cantu68 BRONZE, San Antonio, Texas
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

In this day, I have mislaid my
sensation towards you but I have lost
a companion, a companion in whom her
eyes saw me as the "Big brother she
never had" and in mine which I now see
her as "My younger sister I have never
had and presently lost.” I do not
visualize her as the significant
other, so that is why I say "My heart
is not ready for mislay of a
companion, who has been with me,
understood me, or saw me as her brother."

The author's comments:
The inspiration came from a friend which i got really close to, however, she was the sister of an ex-girlfriend of mine. I realize that i would rather have her as a friend than not having her at all. I wrote this down after finishing our rehearsal of Cyrano. My expectations of this poem to others is that it will change the way they think about someone just cause they make someone feel good inside does not mean that she/he is the one for you..

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