Letter To The Day I'll Die | Teen Ink

Letter To The Day I'll Die

September 28, 2016
By QueenMara GOLD, Pompano Beach, Florida
QueenMara GOLD, Pompano Beach, Florida
15 articles 0 photos 3 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Shoot for the moon even if you miss you'll land among the stars",Les Brown.
"Never let the fear striking out ,keep you from playing the game".
"You're perfect in your own way"

Hello dear,

        I know soon or later you'll arrive,

and no matter how scary you might look from you I can't hide;

you'll get in without a ding-dong,ready or not pressing me to travel without having time to be a rebellion,

you won't make sure if my husband has a penny to organize my funeral,and you won't even check my bank account to realize if there's enough for my son's survival.

Wait dear,

    Even if I know you won't grant me the permission,let me make a last prayer for my soul,and give my family as heritage a holy bible;let me make sure my little boy can walk on his own shoe,if in case tomorrow,you've to come for his daddy too;let me make a last phone call to tell my mom if she'll be still alive that I'm about to die;that's it Sir.

Oops!One more thing.

Let me check my facebook account to tell my friends in a status to not cry.

Euh!there's something else I want to do,before dying let me pass by McDonald's because earlier I ordered 10 pieces of chicken nuggets,a small strawberry shake,and a medium fries.

Listen dear,

      I know you have to come but ,which day?After how many birthdays?

Whatever!keep the answers to yourself,you'll come anyways.

Now,it's your turn but let me tell you,I believe soon will be mine,I won't die,I'll live to sing the glory of God.

Then,you won't be no longer there,you'll lose the game while I'll breathe again,with an immortal sinless body,where there'll be no more hunger,worries and illness.

To conclude dear,

        I'm getting ready for you,that's why i always beg God for forgiveness,asking him for grace and kindness,that's why I'm looking for his spirit and blessings so when you unexpectedly come without doubt,I'll be sure in his kingdom,I'll have my place.

The author's comments:

Every one will die soon,and none of us no when,is it tomorrow,is it on your next birthday or your wedding day?

While i was thinking about that,i just say whatever the day it could be even if it might be the day after today let me write a letter for it.

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