Can You Imagine | Teen Ink

Can You Imagine

August 14, 2008
By Anonymous

Can you imagine living life as a bystander?
Simply standing on the fringes of your life,
Watching it all unfold
Seeing someone who is supposed to be you
Make the choices, complete the actions
While you, yourself, take no action, say no words
Simply Watch,
As if from the other side of a mirror
Passive, flaccid,
The world revolving around you
But you never moving, paralyzed in inactivity
Keeping all opinions silent
Unable to affect anything
But which would be the real you?
The one who moves like clockwork,
Experiences, feels, lives, but doesn’t always think
Or, the one keeping silent watch over it all, thinking thoughts
But only observing
Is either really?
Which one would truly know the reasons for your actions?
The one who carries them out, tastes their passion and feels their results
Or the one who observes it all and analyzes from afar,
But has no perception of emotion or desire
Can either ever rightly know?
Couldn’t they both?

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