Music of the Spheres | Teen Ink

Music of the Spheres

August 9, 2008
By Anonymous

Music of the Spheres
For: Aaron Schumacher
By: Marie Nelson

I watch you walk away
And the colors start to fade
They turn a dull drab gray

We’ll hear the final gong
Before the end of this song

So go on and be gone
Let’s here your last so long
I know that this is wrong

There’s nothing left to say
That will make you want to stay

My eyes are filled with tears
As I think back on the years
Of hanging with all our peers

The music that we shared
It let me know you cared

You think that I’m prepared
To play the high C blared
But that is where you erred

I can only make the music of the spheres.

The author's comments:
I wrote this piece when one of my good friends Aaron Schumacher graduated from high school. To understand the theme you have to know that Aaron was the first chair trumpet player in band and I was the second. When he graduated the one thing he told me I had to do for him was hit the High "C" in the National Anthem at the Friday night football games. That is not an easy note to hit and I was scared that I would let him down and nothing would come out whem I tried to play, hense the line about the music of the spheres. Music of the spheres is a noun which is a music, imperceptible to human ears, formerly supposed to be produced by the movements of the spheres or heavenly bodies.

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This article has 2 comments.

Joy26 said...
on Jan. 17 2009 at 3:06 am
I like the personal connection at the bottom; it opened up to me what I thought was a very interesting and awesome poem. Bravo for all of us musicians! And I think if you have the courage to believe in yourself, that high C will not only be heard by celestial bodies but all people everywhere who stop to listen to such a beautiful sound...

on Nov. 20 2008 at 4:18 pm
This poem is wonderful. It has a lot of meaning, and I like it. I play clarinet, but the same senario is wha ti go through, it's hard, but I love it. and what you wrote is a great piece, keep the work up!