a blue rose | Teen Ink

a blue rose

August 4, 2008
By Anonymous

i saw it for the first time with my very own eyes ,
it was a blue rose that was very btight.
it's charm was so powerful and magnetic,
that i couldn't stop myself from getting attracted.
i reached for it and caressed it with my fingers,
yet i wondered...
that roses were created to bloom ,
then why did god paint them blue to represent their gloom?
they say red roses represent love,
yellow roses represnt hope and
pink roses represent desire,
but i get confused when i see it's blue attire.
because reminds me of the blue moments when we last met and you gave me a blue rose
whose message is still unclear to me
for i did not know anything was wrong
untill i saw that you were gone.

The author's comments:
hi i am kanika.i love writing poems that express my feelings or fantasies i wrote this poem because i like blue roses very much but surprisingly i have never seen a blue rose with my eyes(though seen it in pictures posted by people)
i believe that someone has rightly said that "poetry is a sudden flow of emotions at a particular time".i would be greatly thankful to teenink if my poem is published

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