If I Were | Teen Ink

If I Were

July 12, 2008
By Anonymous

If I Were

If I were a horse,
I would learn to carry my heavy load

If I were a bird,
I would learn how to sing

If I were a cat,
I would learn independence

If I were a monkey,
I would learn to have fun

If I were a turtle,
I would learn that home is the safest place to be

If I were a dog,
I would learn the importance of companionship

If I were a spider,
I would learn great, but simple architecture

If I were a lion,
I would learn the value of teamwork

If I were an ant,
I would learn the value of teamwork

Those these animals were naturally given these qualities and abilities
And all of mankind
are naturally given the quality and ability of LOVE
And this is the greatest quality and ability of all

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