Decay | Teen Ink


March 18, 2012
By Dread GOLD, Cincinnati, Iowa
Dread GOLD, Cincinnati, Iowa
16 articles 0 photos 0 comments

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Men only think of their past right before their death, as if they were searching frantically for proof that they were alive.

Just because I'm giving up , doesn't mean i don't care. It means I'm tired of giving my everything and ending up with nothing.

Depression has taken over me.
Happiness is what I desire, but it's to far away to see.
Darkness is my home an I'm all alone.
I've been trapped here for years and it's turned my heart to stone.
I wish I could see what this life can be, be its something that will never be seen.
Sorrow floods my mind and makes me seem obscene.
I collect my thoughts and begin to dream.
The images gather and begin to stream.
My depression grows and everything becomes bleak.
Now I sit in the shadows, dying inside, and start to reek.

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