Red, Hot, Burning Yellows | Teen Ink

Red, Hot, Burning Yellows

April 8, 2008
By Anonymous

Red, hot, burning yellows, coals of orange and blue
I can feel your heat brushing on mine and this we have construed
Only the fault of you and I and I more than you
The days of innocence’s and ignorance are through
We now lust in jealous rages, releasing the demons from our cages and letting go of what we once knew.
I can feel my soul blackest enraged fears like the beats of banging battle drums with baby tears,
Falling from the heavens of purity and care I laugh in their faces, destroy their races
Of angels flying with wings
The fire of my life burns bright as the demons rise and they and I sing.
You can feel me now, more than ever, have I left room for doubt?
Follow me through the night, through the fire, through the day for which all life ends but you and I because you are the one I can not live without.

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