Hidden | Teen Ink


January 20, 2012
By SP13NDiF3R0USM310Di3S SILVER, West Palm Beach, Florida
SP13NDiF3R0USM310Di3S SILVER, West Palm Beach, Florida
5 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Crying in the shower,

So that no one can see.

It's easy to pretend

There's nothing more to me.

What you see is what you get,

So many people believe that.

No wonder I get upset!

Tears cascading down my face,

I can act like they aren't there.

I am such a disgrace.

With the tears come sorrow,

Which pours down the drain.

The steaming hot water,

Erases the pain.

If only for a short while,

I feel able to heal.

Until I remember,

That this is all real.

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