Until the Split | Teen Ink

Until the Split

June 2, 2010
By Anonymous

In the beginning, it all seemed dandy.
I felt I was the lucky one with the perfect family.
But behind my back, the floors were cracking.
Under my nose, the seams were unraveling.
It wasn’t long until the earth was stolen from under my feet.
The sturdy bearing I grasped so securely wasn’t mine to keep.
I was the glue that kept the puzzle together,
but apparently the two pieces didn’t fit each other.
Until the split, my parents were dedicated and hopeful,
now they’re bitter and resentful.
It wasn’t long before their fighting became obvious.
However, at first, it was inconspicuous to one not too fastidious.
Until the split, life was like a blissful day;
Now I wish the days would go away.
Nothing but calls continue to constantly haunt my lands,
after the split put a wrench in my plans.

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