Afternoon Blue | Teen Ink

Afternoon Blue

January 18, 2010
By invisiblecity BRONZE, Coatesville, Pennsylvania
invisiblecity BRONZE, Coatesville, Pennsylvania
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
I've been in the same year since I stepped into high school.

My dog sits at my window, worrying away
As the traveler drops a postcard
And heads on his merry way
Still I am at home dreaming
Under covers for the day

Tomorrow is a new day
Save for the old sun
And the father may go fishing
With his young boy one
Little does he know about his only son

They will sit upon the river
In their wooden boat
And all day upon the river
Will they sit and hush and float
But the boy will not be thinking of the fish or the boat

His mind will wander on a road to yesterday past
To where he dropped a postcard
To the girl that he loved last
And noticed her dog watching
From her window as he passed

The dog had thought dismissively
“Where goes he in such haste?
The kind of lover for my girl should move with perfect grace
For her to spend more time on him
Would be a sorry waste.”

And all of this would happen
As I dreamt in my head
Of all the lovely things to me that clumsy boy had said
And the things that might have happened
Had I stayed with him instead.

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