Cast Away | Teen Ink

Cast Away

July 15, 2009
By Mike004 BRONZE, Bridgewater, New Jersey
Mike004 BRONZE, Bridgewater, New Jersey
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

I sit silently in my comfy estate,
Left in the dark,
As my heart yearns for compassion
“Baby, you are everything to me!”
Chants resonate deep within,
Consumed with jealousy
as my brother receives attention.

I, left alone?
Such joy, pleasure I brought,
Now, only dust I attract.
Without purpose, Without heart.
I sleep when the lights flicker off,
and Arise to the loud Screams of my door
Clanking and Banging,
as it viciously awakens.

Cast aside, beside my better half,
Left for death as
a mere memory in the large
book of life.
Rid I was not but Lost I am so.

The noise abruptly concludes.

Suddenly my left arm is ripped menacingly
Agony I scream,
as my skin barely hangs on.
My Right arm follows my left
tethered by few inches
Pain consumes me as
Death flexes his muscles.

The two lawless fiends beside me—
...replenish my wounds
With one swift pull of my handle.
A swift motion and I am awakened.
My eyes flash widely, illuminating a once familiar chill in the night.
I prounce out onto a foriegn pavement as the sky casts its shadow upon me.
The fresh air, breathes
life and meaning into my hollow soul.

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