Little Red | Teen Ink

Little Red

February 12, 2009
By Alyssa Lacis GOLD, Lincoln, North Dakota
Alyssa Lacis GOLD, Lincoln, North Dakota
12 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Hello,hello little darling in red.
Won't you welcome me into your bed?
Don't be so afraid of the fangs.
Cause they aren't my scariest things.

Hey,hey do you like what you see?
Don't you dare squirm away from me.
Did you think the world was quiet and nice?
Well now you get to die in a lustful firefight.

(chorus:Don't try to scream.(save your oxygen.)
Don't try to fight.(You're secretly loving it.)
Hiding in the solitude of my mind,
The only thing you'll find
Is my desire to put out your lights.)

Oh little thing yeah,please don't leave.
Baby you make me so clean.
Wash me free of my transgressions.

(repeat chorus)

(Bridge:Try,try,try not to scream.
Oh dear God you're gonna leave!
Please don't damn it I need you!

(repeat chorus)

The author's comments:
This is a song written in extreme Marilyn Manson style,it is supposed to be a very incendiary piece.I hope to perform it onstage someday,because I have it set very well in my mind what I want this song to be. I hope people like it,and to all of you who are offended by it;well chances are I'm going to be offended by something you write or do,so we are even.

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