kisses of war | Teen Ink

kisses of war

July 6, 2009
By william GOLD, Commerce, Texas
william GOLD, Commerce, Texas
10 articles 0 photos 0 comments

roses are red, violets are blue, if you kiss me, i'll kiss you. when does this ever come true?

does it happen at night or does it happen like a flu? if the first one does it the second one can't too.

if one is kissing, isn't the other one too?

blood is red, violence makes blues, if you give up, i will too. in this world does this ever come true?

if the first one give up the second one doesn't too.

if one gives in to the other, it will be though, putting the kiss of war all in doom.

depends on the lips of the army, on which who is who. one kiss is never reality the kisser will come back for at least two.

today's the kiss but what will the morrow bring?

a peck like a bird or a kiss way up in a tree.

the ultimate kiss of an atom bomb can make the kiss run free.

so when they kiss you how are you to kiss them too?

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