Hundred Piece Set | Teen Ink

Hundred Piece Set

May 26, 2009
By Patrick Nuter BRONZE, Benton Harbor, Michigan
Patrick Nuter BRONZE, Benton Harbor, Michigan
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

There once was a carpenter working hard and wet,
He was covered in his passionate sweat.
He wanted to finish that hundred piece set
That was his goal and yet already three years has past without that goal being met.
It has been three years since his wife had died,
He stood beside her with tears of sadness,
Then his tears turned from sadness to madness.
So he does this 100 piece set with loads of pride.
He builds this for her, this is sure.
He is never deterred for he knows she is still with him.
Day by Day he sits in his chair, wishing Sue May was still there. For one day Little Johnny went up to the carpenter offering him a stuffed bear,
Then you could see Little Johnny running back with practically no hair.
He said to him with a loud blare,
“Stay away from me and my chair.”
Years and years went by and he still never completed that hundred piece set.
Years and years he was covered in sweet.
Years and years he was full of pain,
Hoping that Sue May would be alive agai’n.

The author's comments:
I was studing a poem with my old English teacher and this peom is written in similar form but I wrote this poem on my own.

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