the little prince | Teen Ink

the little prince

April 12, 2019
By Hayden.loves.poetry GOLD, Olympia, Washington
Hayden.loves.poetry GOLD, Olympia, Washington
11 articles 0 photos 0 comments

She's my rose

Like the little fox and little prince


"for she is not a common rose She is my rose."

Her being my rose.

Is crazy

Like it's make believe

But it isn't make believe 

Because she's my rose

And I'm her little prince 

The author's comments:

a poem about the little prince and how i related to how he said he said she was his rose. they at first not ready to love but then he soon realized that he was ready to love but by the time he went back to his planet and found her she had passed away. yes even though she was a flower, just a simple rose she talked to him and loved him without a doubt and that's like my love with the girl I'm with  

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