Love | Teen Ink


April 21, 2009
By Tiffany Li BRONZE, New York, New York
Tiffany Li BRONZE, New York, New York
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Does love only exists in fairy tales?
In real life, does couples fall in love
and have happy ending's like in fairy tales?
As others say, fairy tales always have happy endings.
Is it true?

love always end up in a cycle.
strangers turns into friends,
friends turns into best friends,
best friends turns into crushes,
crushes turns into boyfriend and girlfriend,
soon . they might either
break up or get married.

Sometimes, Love doesn't just have to go through the cycle,
it can be love at first sight.
You walk down the streets,
seeing all those beautiful sights,
your eyes landed on someone who you think
is your true love,
but do you think he's the perfect one?

Once relationships begin,
you really love him or her.
But as days passed
weeks, months, maybe even years,
you may feel that you losing
your feelings for him or her.
You want to work things out trying to figure it all out
but you can be confused.

You may think that its really easy to break up with that person
but once you try it,
you may regret it someday
or your lover may cry day after day
because they're not over you yet.
Life can be hard like that.
But you have to accept the fact that
they're over you.
They may not be over you,
but you just gotta accept the truth.

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