Loosen the Reigns | Teen Ink

Loosen the Reigns

April 8, 2009
By Priscilla PLATINUM, Hawthorne, New Jersey
Priscilla PLATINUM, Hawthorne, New Jersey
25 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
People grow through experience if they meet life honestly and courageously. This is how character is built. -- Eleanor Roosevelt
People with courage and character always seem sinister to the rest. -- Herman Hesse

The reigns are really rigid.
I have no control, no agility.
The weather out here is frigid.
I’m losing all stability.

You have trained me well.
You have to leave the reigns a little loose.
My decisions will never lead to knell.
So don’t give me any type of excuse.

When will you trust me?
When will that day come?
You will mentally combust me!
Hopefully, this cold day will numb.

I’m trying for you!
I’m shining for you!
I’m crying for you!
I’m relying on you!

I’m relying on you to be there.
I’m relying on your support.
I’m relying to always know you care.
I’m relying on you to be first, last, and only resort.

How I can I turn around to question
When you won’t let me move my neck.
How can I explain this situation
When you won’t even let me beck.

I’m there for you!
I care for you!
I dare for you!
I bear for you!

Let go little by little.
I’ll prove to you what I’m made of.
You won’t become brittle.
I promise you, you won’t be ridden of.

I won’t run away.
I’ll stay by your side.
I can’t always stay,
But I’ll never leave you behind.

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