Stars and Coffee | Teen Ink

Stars and Coffee

August 6, 2016
By PastelOrange BRONZE, Bellingham, Washington
PastelOrange BRONZE, Bellingham, Washington
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

It strikes me at random times, reminders that no one really knows anything. It strikes me while paying for coffee, watching a sunset, eating breakfast. The greatest minds one thought the world was flat. Our brains are constructed in a completely impractical way. We have organs that have no purpose, but can kill us if they burst. The blue of the ocean is just a reflection of the sky. Love can be replicated in a laboratory. The most remembered people are the ones who left scars or the world, instead of those who left stitches. Us humans are just tiny beings living, loving, laughing, crying, singing under millions of dead stars, our lives are a relative millisecond in time. It terrifies me.

The author's comments:

I hope this piece promts you to think. It's a dangerous passtime, but a worthwhile one.

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