Hard Work Leads to Success | Teen Ink

Hard Work Leads to Success

May 9, 2017
By Anonymous

Hard work beats talent when talent fails to work hard - Kevin Durant

Hard work is something that is required in life hard to succeed because nothing absolutely nothing is given to you. “Do you want to go to a Division 1 college after high school” said my basketball trainer.
“Yes it’s my dream,” I replied.
“Your undersized so you have to work harder than everyone else” Trainer stated.

I literally would cry if I don’t make it to college basketball! Success is about setting goals and achieving them. Such goals include losing weight, learning how to play an instrument, making profit in a business, and being the best in certain things among others. The secret of success, as many people will agree, is hard work. Evidently, successful people are admired in the society. In many instances, they make headlines in the mainstream media. However, such people are not many in the society. Many people still struggle to achieve their goals in life. Others give up, altogether, when they attempt without success to achieve their goals. Simply, many people are unable or unwilling to engage in hard work for them to be successful.

Once in my life when I was in 7th grade, I got put in a extra reading class because I didn't see the importance in K-PREP. So my 6th grade year when I was taking the K-PREP I didn't try my best and I got a low score on reading which meant I was below average so I worked hard my 7th grade year in reading especially and when the K PREP came along that year I got the scores back and I got a proficient in reading and math. I think back now how could I not realize that the Kentucky State test the teachers were talking about the whole year wasn't important. At the Time I just thought “I don’t even feel like doing this I will just act like I’m done and go to sleep.” This is a very important lesson to me because those scores I got will follow me for the rest of my life.
One day in AAU basketball I was playing in a game and I couldn't score at all My shots just weren't falling for me so I believed in myself and kept shooting. Then halftime arrived I had 0 points but that didn't stop me when I went on the floor I kept attacking the basket and shooting and finished the game with 13 points and I was so proud. At the end of the game I wondered how I did not score the first half but had 13 in the 2nd half. This moment has impacted me to never give up when someone or something hits you in the mouth always respond with all you got. This is important to me because it's the first time I felt like nobody in the world could stop me and all my hard work I put in the gym paid off all the drills the lifting weights everything.

My last reason to show that hard work leads to success is this year I was in Mr. Lutz’s class when he gave us a pretest on functions meaning a relationship or expression involving one or more variables. I had no idea what that math term was I hadn't even heard of it before but I got a 57 on my pre test which is a big fat F on my school's grading scale so I knew I had to do everything i could to ace this math test. Including the homework the warm-ups the worksheets and practice test that Mr. Lutz used to teach us and prepare us for the test. I spoke to Mr. Lutz after school when I asked him a few questions about the test over functions. I said “Mr. Lutz is functions hard?”

He said, “No, they just take a lot of memorization in rules and the steps of the problems.”
“So, if I know the rules I will have higher chances of making a perfect score?”

“Yes that is correct, but I’m not guaranteeing you that you will get a 100%.” So I left school that day ready to get home and make a quiz let all about functions. I studied for about 2 and a half hours then went to sleep. I woke up that Friday morning feeling great about this test. The bell rang for 4th period and I was logging on my computer and my heart was beating as fast as the hooves of a horse on a racetrack. I opened the test and it was like I knew every single answer and when I got to the final question and answered it there was the submit button right there on schoolboy waiting for me to press it. I was praying aloud in my head and the scored popped up 100%. I was so hyped up all my hard work and dedication that week to learn about functions and ace the test that Mr. Lutz gave to us. That made my day that Friday I even bought kids lunch with my own money. This memory is important to me because now I know that I’m capable of making a high grade on any math test or any test in general if I put the work inside and out the classroom. This is important to me because my grades always mean a lot to me every single year in school and to not know anything about a subject and get a 100 after studying, it tells my brain that I have big things up ahead if I keep it up.  Why does hard work pay off? Unfortunately, in life nothing comes easy you have to make it all happen so when you want to complete or be successful in anything you're going to have to work harder than anyone Else. Hard work and success go hand in hand because life is designed to be tough. Nothing is offered on a silver platter; which means that people have to keep trying to succeed. In actual sense, there are so many challenges in life that only hard working people can overcome them. This explains why there are very few successful people in the world today. If you want to succeed in life you need to be a hardworking person. From getting a job to excelling in school your need to make an effort. Also people will trust you more for this. As a result they will give you more leniencies. If you want something you need to be proactive and take the initiative. One area where this is particularly important is academics. If you work hard in school it will result in getting into the college you want and getting good grades. For example math doesn’t come naturally to me so I’ve had to study and practice to get better. Also if you get your assignments done then you will also have more free time.  These are only some of the good that you get out of working hard then exceeding. About 86% of American people think that if you work hard you’re more likely to succeed. Well my suggestion is to work hard and good things will happen and when you see that 100 on that test or score a lot of point’s in a sport or even take a test and get you in advanced class

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