My Nine Lives | Teen Ink

My Nine Lives

November 26, 2014
By Leaf_ SILVER, Green Bay, Wisconsin
Leaf_ SILVER, Green Bay, Wisconsin
7 articles 1 photo 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
You only die when you are forgotten - Jemma Lars

My nine Lives:

Dear Dad, I give you my life of Understanding, in knowing that I may not be perfect, or the prettiest, but know that what true love, and life is, is not about progress, but about happiness in the small things.

Dear Mom, I give you my life of Trust, in knowing that what you really want, and need will come with time, even at the very end. We have lost many great souls in our lives, but know that they will always be there to greet us in the next.

Dear Esteb, I give you my life of Compassion, and in knowing what love really is, isn’t always what it seems. I love you very much and hoping that you one day understand that you don’t need to change to love.

Dear Sophia, I give you my life of Strenght, and with strenght to understand that Eli is your brother, and he will not steal the ones you love away from you. Strength in making the correct decisions, and not letting anyone change them.

Dear Eli, I give you my life of Character, in knowing that being an artist prodigy, or what your parents always want you to be doesn’t have to be you. I write this note when you are only one, but I know you will need it later on. I hope you become Eli, and not Dad.

Dear Baboonia, I give you my life of Starting, in knowing that even when it may seem hard and life will be rough, there is always a way to start. Never give up on your dreams, even when you are old.

Dear Jayme, I give you my life of Reality, in knowing that Jemma never existed, and that she had feelings for someone else while you were dating. In reality, you will see the foes, and find the truth within someone, not the fake outside.

Dear Ivy, I give you my life of Clarity, in knowing what true beauty, and what true love really is. Although you are not alive when I am writing this, always know that with clarity, your life will be free of the struggles of blurred vision. Think with an open mind, and never be afraid to be you.

Dear Self, I give you my life of Faith, in knowing that everything is going to be alright even when the roads are dark and rainy. Have faith in what you do, even if others hate you for it, love who you want to love, and never forget who you are, because you are perfect to someone else.

The author's comments:

This poem is written to the most important people in my life, I love them all, and I give them all what they seemingly may need in there lives by giving them my own.

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