Community Service | Teen Ink

Community Service

May 23, 2012
By Www.aht BRONZE, Fairhope, Alabama
Www.aht BRONZE, Fairhope, Alabama
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

What exactly is community service? People will do community service for volunteer hours for an organization they are in, or it might be a term of punishment. I believe that it should be done more for the community than for your self. I use community service as a way to give back.

When most people think of the words “community service” they probably think of work. They think of hard, pointless work that they will not get paid for. I honestly think not getting paid is one of the best parts of community service. I like doing things for others, even if there are no benefits for me. Community service has helped shape me into the person I am today. I think it has a great impact on many people’s lives.

Community service has not been an enormous part of my life, but it has been there enough for me to have had a lot of great experiences. I have done many service projects such as cleaning the beaches, building houses, cleaning yards, washing cars, babysitting, and providing food for people in need. I have come to the realization that feeding those in need is my favorite serving opportunity. I know that I have a huge appetite, so you can usually find me eating. When I realize how many of those in my own community are without food, I am eager to help. Whether I am cooking, serving, delivering, or cleaning up after the meals, you will find me with a smile on my face. Serving others gives me honor, and brings me much joy.

Feeding those without food, or shelter is something I have always loved to do. I specifically remember being very young and delivering meals to people with my family. I just love watching their faces light up when we serve them with a nice meal. I have gotten to meet many people in a variety of soup kitchens, and hospitals. Serving others is just one way to get satisfaction from doing good deeds.

Community service can consist of many easy, rewarding jobs. I encourage everyone to do something for their community. It may not be cooking, or delivering food to others. Everyone can find some way to give back. In the end, a community is what holds us all together.

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