My Favorite Place | Teen Ink

My Favorite Place

May 11, 2012
By sierra wilson BRONZE, Grove, Oklahoma
sierra wilson BRONZE, Grove, Oklahoma
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Where is your favorite place to be? Everyone has one. Some people like to be outside, others prefer indoors. Does it really matter who likes what as long as you enjoy being there, and it makes you happy?

My favorite place to be is at home. That came as a little shock to me. However it is not just being at home that I like. It is being in my room snuggled up with a good book.

For as long as I can remember, I have loved reading. One day it was raining outside, so I decided to stay indoors and finish a book I had started. I sat on my bed, which was next to the window, and read. After a short period of time, it got uncomfortably hot, so I opened the window. The first thing that I noticed was the sweet sound of rain hitting the already rain-soaked ground. This was slightly muted by the sound of thunder above me. I sat there for a moment and stared out the window in surprise at how much I liked the sounds of the storm. After ages it seems, I sat down and continued to read with the storm as my background music.

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