Game Over... | Teen Ink

Game Over...

January 22, 2011
By TaneikaW. SILVER, Joliet, Illinois
TaneikaW. SILVER, Joliet, Illinois
6 articles 2 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"The sky is the limit. Just REACH for it!!" :)

Sploosh! A trickle of sweat drops to the ground. Musky aromas of overexerted bodies fill my nostrils. The neon lights beam heavily on me, revealing my hiding spot. An eye catches mine and I race to protect myself. I feel the heavy footsteps of the person behind me. “Duck here, slide there,” I think to myself. “Stop, you’re safe,” or at least I thought I was. He shifts his weapon right at me. It’s over…

Zap! Dzzzzz! The only melody I hate to hear, but nothing is worse than the slight vibration of my armor that follows. With every smile that passes me, hoping to get a higher score, my armor is a radiant red, telling my competitors “Keep it moving, nothing to see here folks.” I slouch down, waiting to reboot. Once a grassy green pops up on the surface of my armor, a devious smile finds its way on my face. A little voice in my head whispers, “Get them.”

“Taneika, go pay attention to the back entrance! Let no one get up here!” howled my brother, the ex-marine.
I robotically followed his orders and stood still at my post. Standing there, I thought that no one would come and I was just missing out on all the action. Then two girls, as vulnerable as chipmunks, crept up on me, not prepared for my claws to extract so quickly. Walking away confidently, I could smell their defeat lingering in the air.

“Wow, I can’t believe you just took them out so quickly. You must have improved from your last visit,” a voice oh so familiar creaked behind me.

Across the arena, my highest competitor stands glaring at me, the only one who was undefeated. Once before, I met him, only to extend a helping hand toward a sad little boy. Ever so quickly, his eyes glistened, twinkling softly in the lights as he shot me with the laser. After failing to catch him, I promised to get him the next time I saw him; and I never break my promises.

“You again,” I snarled. “Oh, it’s over. This time I plan to take you down, hard. So be prepared to lose.”

“Ha! You couldn’t even lift your gun up high enough to get me!” he rocketed back.

“Too late…” before he blinked, his system shut down and I danced to the wonderful tune of his vest vibrating.

My pride lifted me onto the back of an eagle’s wings, and I was unstoppable. I destroyed everyone in my way, until I soared into the top twenty. Suddenly, I spotted him again. I stared into his eyes, signaling that it wasn’t over. Feeling the need to gain a little more triumph, I chased hastily after him. He thought I had lost him and slid into a corner. Just before the bell that sounded the end of the game rang, I shifted the mouth of my weapon right at him. Game over…

The author's comments:
While I was in Language Arts class, we had to write a narrative story about ourselves. I chose to write about my visit to a laser tag arena

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