voices lbhs | Teen Ink

voices lbhs

February 25, 2019
By Team_hotpocketz BRONZE, Sacramento, California
Team_hotpocketz BRONZE, Sacramento, California
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

I am the cousin of a white family, but that's not what people think. When we are out in public people stare at us thinking i’m bothering them or i'm following them. I don't get mad because I know that's where I belong. People stare questioning why are these white people having that much fun with that black person, why are we allowing this. So we prove to them we can get along, we go out to eat laughing, being loud just so people can stare at us confused. Sometimes I get mad when people stare, and I sometimes say “what the hell are you staring at ” but other times I  just laugh and stay happy. One time me and my cousin went to the skating rink and we heard people whispering because they saw how close we are and that we left together. When they seen us get in the car together it surprised them even more. People ask us 24/7 if were really related and we just look at each other and laugh. Just because i'm black and i’m with white people does not mean you can be racist to me. If i was racist to any other people with a different race family im sure they won't like it. You shouldn't do something that you wouldn't want to get done to you or to one of your family members.

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