The It Girl | Teen Ink

The It Girl

January 15, 2013
By lisTKM GOLD, Sheboygan, Wisconsin
lisTKM GOLD, Sheboygan, Wisconsin
18 articles 0 photos 1 comment

Favorite Quote:
keep dreaming, because the best is yet to come

A victim can never truly know why they've become a target until, they take a walk in their shoes, or in my case designer pumps. I learned to live with my bully and learned why they are the way they are, she was just a girl I knew of just a cold hearted beauty, who was truly as ugly on the inside as they get. Since the very first day I met her i just knew that in high school she was going to be, 'the it girl', and I was right.
The first day of middle school I remember like it was yesterday, I walked into my first hour science class and was greeted by a couple of familiar faces and many new ones, boy ones. who were all surrounding a table near the back, I glanced at the floor and noticed a pair of very toned, very tanned, very long legs, with a gold charm bracelet on her left ankle. I instantly wanted to know who this girl was, and to my disbelief I had to be her lab partner.
I walked over and made my way through the small crowd of boys looking at her in awe, and laughing at her dumb jokes, they weren't even funny, trying to get her individual attention. I couldn't believe them acting like little puppy dogs in a store window wanting attention from the passerby's. I didn't understand what the fuss was all about, until I saw her, even at 11 years old she was gorgeous, and had two clear big reasons for all the attention she was getting from the boys, she had big green eyes, and silky hair almost a golden brown, and had the complexion of beautifully burnt honey, it also didn't hurt that she had the confidence i'd only ever dreamed of having. She was just that kind of girl, still is, who knows how to get what she wants. I wanted to hate her, but I also wanted her to like me, that was one of the most awful feelings, jealousy. Lulu Gray, even her name had a ring to it, while mine sounded like an out of key piano.
To my surprise, at first she seemed very nice, sweet almost, but eventually I found she was only that way in front of the boys, and teachers. she became a liar who thrived at making others feel inferior. Even her so called best friend hated her, but liked the territory that came with being the best friend of my towns very own version of Regina George.
Along came high school, and she became worse, she would be nice to me than talk about me with all of the other "populars". Don't get me wrong, I can handle her, I can roll with the punches, I lived my whole life up until now being that nerdy girl who read for fun, and teachers loved, but i also didn't grow up with people who gave me what ever I wanted, and had people to come to my house to cook and clean for me. All of what I thought I knew about her, made me dislike her even more, until I met her older brother. He was just like her except worse and totally hot. He had her same skin tone, and big emerald green eyes, with silky smooth locks of black that flowed in the wind. But then he spoke, he was just as ugly as she was if not worse which I didn't think was possible, he made fun of her, and embarrassed her in front of his friends and hers, he made her stand behind him like a dog with it's tail between its legs. I felt, sorry for her, because I can go home where she won't bother me, but when she goes home she's greeted by an overbearing, rude, obnoxious older brother. she was no longer the "it" girl, she just became another bully continuing the cycle with easy targets like me, and I quickly got over it, because she knows what its like, and that makes me feel better.

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