Ash Ventura's Adventure | Teen Ink

Ash Ventura's Adventure

December 20, 2016
By Crafty_1 BRONZE, Wilmington, Delaware
Crafty_1 BRONZE, Wilmington, Delaware
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Ash Venture has managed to escape Hell, but once he gets out every ones out to get him. Even the Devil, who sends his strongest Charles Bronston and Neil Breen to get him back, Will Ash fight back or will he return back to hell?

The first thing i did was grab some McDonalds which is quite luxurious compared to the food in Hell. Right after I had that meal there they were, Bronston and Breen. Two of Hells toughest fighters and never once did I think i would see them. Their age shows that the are just the toughest, and unlike the others I fought they may actually be a challenge.Like most they’l lose to my chainsaw shotgun combo. As soon as they got close I said “Hey morons, what do you think now?”

Both of them got closer to me chuckling and as soon as I got an open shot, I pulled the trigger hitting them both. That didn’t kill them but it bought me enough time to get my younger brothers, Jesse and Ace Venatre. The two most deadly assassins in the country. Jesse was a one of a kin, being able to carry a minigun since he was ten. While Ace was able to use stealth and talk to animals. Thankfully both agreed to help me fight off Hells deadliest hitmen. Before they would go find Breen and Bronston. The three armed up, Jesse with his ‘one of a kind’ mingun. Ace with his ‘100% Hit’ rifle, and Ash with his newly made chainsaw, and his outrageous explosive triple barrel shotgun.

The showdown started at high noon, right near where Ash came from. It looked like Bronston and Breen waited for me. As if they knew he would bring his brothers, then he appeared. It was Satan’s deadliest soldier, who had no name because he’s lived longer than any other. Once everyone was ready the showdown began. Jesse kept on shooting until it got empty, Ace got into a fist fight with him and I was left to fight Bronston. Minutes in Jesse and Breen died by a sacrifice Jesse made. Ace was no match for him, he was getting tired trying to out match the soldier. There was me and Bronston, our gunfight was very long until we both ran out of ammo. That worked to my advantage because Bronston was never a guy who fought close. I did it, he died by the chainsaw, It was only me and him. Before I could go after him Satan appeared. He began to taunt me “You know Ash, it was fun having in Hell, but your brothers are the ones i wanted. So instead of you I have your brothers. Dont worry I may see you again but not now. Farewell until next time”.

I realized I had made a mistake and escaping Hell was worse than getting mortality. I promise someday I’ll get my brothers back and Hell will pay for it.

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